low light of the small industries
Among the advantages of small and medium-sized industries we can highlight their flexibility, their growth potential, their yield, their geographic diversity and their influence on the gross output of a country.

The United Nations General Assembly, recognizing the importance of small businesses in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, encouraging creativity and innovation, as well as providing sustainable employment opportunities for all, during its 74th term, in April 2017, declared June 27 World Small and Medium Enterprises Day (MSME Day) announced.

Small and Medium Enterprises in Iran

 The most important problems for small businesses Development solutions for small and medium businesses:

1- Transport: The costs of sending the product to the customer or of transporting the customer to the place of service constitute an important part of the cost.

If the geographic dispersion of demand is accompanied by the geographic dispersion of supply, costs will be reduced, but if supply is centralized and regardless of the dispersion of demand, people will have to bear the cost of transport to 'at the place of supply. To be; In this way, being small, at least at the company, factory and store level, has a better chance of success.

 2- Market size: A small market requires small industries.

Today, due to changing consumer tastes and the desire for diversity, jobs for large mass-produced industries have almost disappeared, and large companies can stay in the market if they have great flexibility. , but often not; The result is that there is no particular advantage for large industries in markets subdivided into smaller segments.
3- Adjustment cost: Small industries can adjust their level of production at a lower cost than large industries.
4- Being effective: Being effective is based on the principle that different products and services have different meanings for different people; For example, a regular shirt that is readily available in the market is not the same as a shirt made to measure for a particular person.

Of course, a shirt embroidery factory can sew the first type of shirt for less than the tailor, but people can make special shirts more efficiently than the tailor.

5. How to control: This effect is a highly behavioral variable and difficult to measure.

In small environments, entrepreneurial energy and organizational effort can be better "controlled" and better "directed".

 In view of these advantages, one of the main priorities of the economic development agenda of many countries is the creation and support of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Small businesses play an important role in creating jobs and providing a suitable platform to increase production and exports.

In most countries, small and medium-sized enterprises attract and employ a large part of the population and train a skilled workforce. What is effective in the efficiency of these units in the economy of any country is that in these units in a competitive environment with the lowest cost and time with the observance of various standards for the transfer, storage, sale of goods or services to consumers.

Advantages and benefits of being a small industry

 In today's economy, SMEs make up a large part of the economy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, large government and semi-government enterprises that control over 80% of the country's economy.

Although this question seems natural given the important role of companies involved in the processes of extraction, refining and sale of crude oil and its products, the petrochemical industry and the gas industry of the country, but in practice entails strong dependence on the country's economy and government budget This sector and the growing importance of large (and often public) companies in these industries in the country's economy, while small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in many, make up the bulk of the country's businesses.

The definition of small or medium-sized enterprises or industries varies from country to country, but the most common owner is the division of enterprises according to the number of employees.

In Iran, according to the Bureau of Statistics of the Central Bank, units with less than 10 employees are said to be "small", 10 to 49 employees are said to be "small", 50 to 99 employees are said to be "medium" and more than 100 employees. are said to be "large".

According to the latest statistics from the Organization of Small Industries and Industrial Cities of Iran, small and medium-sized enterprises account for over 80% of the country's industrial enterprises, which provide around 10% of the country's export earnings.

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