Increase oil sales and prevent crude sales by owning shares in offshore refineries.
A member of the Islamic Council said: In a situation where setting up a refinery is expensive, offshore refineries can be used by exporting technical and engineering services to other countries, which both increases the country's oil sales and prevents crude sales.

It goes without saying that for an oil-rich country like Iran, selling oil is one of the most important ways to make money, and given the sanctions, we cannot sell our oil easily. But recently, the question of the neutralization of oil sanctions has been put on the agenda.
According to experts, not selling raw materials and creating added value in this field is the country's necessity today, which satisfies our interests; But this requires the construction of a refinery, which requires a colossal investment.
For this reason, policy makers have thought of alternative means such as the use of offshore or semi-functional refineries of friendly countries to refine our country's oil.
 "Ali Akbar Alizadeh Bormi", a representative of the people in parliament and a member of the Agriculture, Water and Natural Resources Committee, in an interview with IRNA regarding the sale of crude oil and gas, said said: The sale of raw energy is detrimental to the country, because we can produce dozens of other derivatives from them and with Sell a much higher added value.
He pointed out: But with the sale of oil and gas, we have to buy the products back at an exorbitant price from the buyers of crude oil; It means loss.
A member of Parliament's agriculture committee said: "Using offshore refinery capacity is a solution to avoid crude sales."
In the current situation where we are under embargo and establishing a refinery requires a lot of money, we can use their semi-active refineries by exporting technical and engineering services to other countries.
Alizadeh Bormi continued: With this method, the country's oil sales will increase and this approach should be developed.
Arguably the government's most significant energy achievement in the past year has been this issue.
The essence of the matter is that we must accept that the sale of crude oil is the worst blow to the country, and there are many ways to solve it, one of which is the use of offshore refineries.
He added: The use of offshore refineries is correct action and can be used. But it is important not to be satisfied with this method alone; Let's consider this as one of the available solutions instead.
Regarding the efforts of the 13th government in the area of ​​creating markets for the sale of oil, this MP noted: It should be kept in mind that the 13th government took over a bankrupt ruin.
Alizadeh Bormi highlighted the existence of serious problems with gasoline and said: Part of the current dissatisfaction is due to our culture of using this fuel, which needs to be addressed, and another part is due to the industry, since we have cars in the country that consume are very high, we must think of a solution to solve this problem.
He said: Using knowledge-based businesses can be effective in this area.
These issues are policies that must be taken as a coherent whole in the long term, but to resolve the imbalance of gasoline in the short term, we can use the production capacity of the offshore refineries with which we cooperate.

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