Bilateral meeting between the Director General of Iranian Customs and the Chairman of the Revenue Committee of Armenia.
The senior head of Iranian customs and the head of the Armani revenue committee discussed at the central customs office in Armani.

in this meeting the head of the revenue committee of Armanistan explained the activities and the projects in hand to improve the border terminal of MAGHZI with a capital of 22 million euros at the customs of Armanistan and he estimated the important role of to Iran as a neighboring country.And to request maximum interaction in the customs relations of two countries and to offer to control and supervise ongoing projects, such as: information exchange Electronic beam, time schedule and touch points edit and presenter to each other.

In addition, taking into account the use of the SAD declaration form by both parties, it was suggested that the information of the export and import declarations be exchanged in such a way that the export declaration of a country can be used as an import declaration in the country of the other party and vice versa.

Regarding the high amount of tolls collected from Iranian trucks upon arrival in Armenia compared to tolls collected from Armenian trucks upon arrival in Armenia, the Director General of Iranian Customs requested that Armenian Customs and other institutions responsible for Armenian Customs adjust the tolls collected. Correct implementation of the archery carne and tele-electronic implementation, according to the experience of the project between Iran and Turkey, encouragement to adhere to the two-pass carne convention; The quadripartite cooperation of Iran, Armenia, Russia and Georgia in the use of the North-South international corridor and the St. Petersburg bomb was mentioned.

The Chairman of the Revenue Committee of Armenia, while welcoming the proposals made by the Director General of Iranian Customs, in particular regarding the implementation of the electronic beam project, promised to pursue the issue of adjusting the tolls collected and to join the customs of his country the Carnegie Passage Convention and the activation of the corridors mentioned.

During the meeting, the Vice-Chairman of the Revenue Committee of Armenia and the Director of the IT Department provided the necessary explanations on the mechanized system of customs procedures of the Armenian Customs and answered questions from our delegation in this regard. .

Visit of the General Directorate of Customs of Iran to the Moghari border customs of Armenia

Dr Mehdi Mir Ashrafi, Director General of Iranian Customs, who visited Armenia at the invitation of Rostam Badasian, Chairman of the Revenue Committee of Armenia, met his Armenian counterpart upon his arrival in Armenia and after a meeting with observers and officials. various Armenian border customs.

At the border meeting, the Director General of Iranian Customs, while insisting on the solution of the existing problems, stressed the coordination of border managers and the creation of a common border post using existing capacities, exchange of information on X-ray machines, the need to equip Mogri Customs in the laboratory to prevent the shipment of samples.

The General Manager of Customs of our country, in view of our country's access to the technology of manufacturing x-ray truck equipment, announced that one of the country's x-ray truck equipment will be installed and operated at the Norduz customs with the participation of the Ministry of Defense. .

The meeting was also attended by Dr Naqdi, Legal Assistant and Supervisor, Engineer Kakhki, Director General of Iran International Customs Cooperation Bureau, Customs Supervisor of East Azerbaijan Province, Director General of Jolfa Customs and customs director of Norduz.

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