Presence of Iranian companies active in the electricity sector in Syrian projects without calls for tenders.
The conference on investment in electricity and renewable energy in Syria, during talks with senior Syrian officials, emphasized the development of cooperation in the field of energy.

Upon his arrival in Syria, Mojtaba Akbari met with Mehdi Sobhani, Iranian Ambassador to Syria, to discuss the problems of Iranian companies operating in the energy sector and how to solve them in order to enter the Syrian energy market.
"Evaluate the existing capacities in Syria to implement projects", "Identify the obstacles to the presence of Iranian companies in Syria", "Enhance and facilitate investments in Syria", "Optimal use of the potential of Iranian companies based on knowledge and the private sector in the field of water and electricity" "The production of water and electricity equipment and goods in Syria and ways to increase their exports" were among the topics discussed at the meeting.
Akbari during this meeting, while emphasizing Iran's good capabilities in the fields of "transformer production", "water and electricity meters", "water and electricity" in our country by Iranian private sector companies and knowledge-based companies, to participate in the Syrian energy market Preparation announced.
Sobhani also expressed his satisfaction with the timeliness of the presence of Satkab's CEO as the representative of the Ministry of Energy in Syria; With the presence of Syrian officials and activists in the water and electricity industry and the visit of the production capacity and technical knowledge of the private and public sectors in Iran, the ground for further development of cooperation should be provided.
Syrian Electricity Minister stresses development of cooperation between the two countries
'Syrian Minister of Electricity Ghassan Al-Zamil' during a meeting with 'Mojtaba Akbari', Chairman and CEO of Satkab's parent company, while welcoming and expressing interest in deepening friendly relations with Iran as the second country, said: "The lack of energy, in particular "electricity" in Syria, provides good conditions for the presence of Iranian public and private companies to meet the needs in this field. , and Syria welcomes this.
Referring to the presence of some Iranian companies such as Mapna in Syria and the reconstruction of power plants by them, he said: Syria's needs for wind and solar energy and Iran's capacity in these areas have created a good platform to alleviate the country's fuel shortage. .Fixed the path.
Akbari, while expressing his satisfaction with his presence in the friendly and brotherly country of Syria, said: "Iran's interest in Syria, despite its many geographical, cultural and religious commonalities, has led to my presence as the representative of the Minister of Energy in Syria. "Iranians of this country, by leveraging the scientific capacity, power and technologies available in Iran, we can lay the foundation for growing interactions between the two countries in the field of renewable energy and electricity and meet to Syria's energy needs.
The CEO of Satkab Company further mentioned the cooperation between "Satba" Company and the Syrian Ministry of Electricity in the field of renewable energy and noted: "The history of cooperation between Iran and Syria using the potential of Iranian companies in various sectors is very bright and we hope this should be strengthened through further consultation and provision of solutions.
After the meeting, Akbari invited the Syrian Minister of Electricity to visit factories producing equipment and goods such as "high voltage electric cables", "power transmission equipment", "transformers" and other capacities in Iran.
The CEO of the parent company Satkab, during a meeting with the Syrian Deputy Minister of Electricity, which was held at the same time as the "Conference on Investment in Electricity and Renewable Energy" in Syria, presented strategic points to develop cooperation between the two countries in the field of electricity and renewable energy industry. .
"The awarding of projects in the electricity industry sector to Iranian companies without tenders, since the investors are Iranian companies" is another issue that was raised during this meeting.
According to the report, "Investigate investment challenges and encourage investors to enter the power generation and distribution sector", "Find innovative formulas for development in this regard" and "Use knowledge and Iran's experience in implementing projects in Syria "Iranian expert forces" was also one of the issues that were discussed at this meeting.
Syria's Deputy Electricity Minister, while emphasizing that there are no obstacles to the activities of Iranian companies in that country, said: Syria is fully prepared for the presence of Iranian companies in the implementation of various projects and is also interested in returning to Syria to set up an assembly line.Iranian electrical equipment and equipment is also in Syria to provide the possibility of faster and easier use of equipment and Iranian electrical equipment.
Chairman of the Board and CEO of Satkab's parent company during a meeting with the Advisor to the First Vice President and Secretary General for the Development of Iran-Syria Economic Relations to discuss Iran's capabilities and means to expand Iran-Syria economic relations in the field of energy, especially electricity, water and paid renewers.
According to the report, support for investors and activists in the electricity, water and renewable energy sectors was one of the main indicators of dialogue at the meeting, so that we could guide existing capacities and improve the level of trade and economic cooperation between the two sides.
Mojtaba Akbari, while highlighting the excellent knowledge-based business capabilities in the Iranian water and power industry, emphasized identifying as many capabilities as possible and on identifying possible obstacles and problems on the way to production and presence in Syria:
Iran has good potential in knowledge-based businesses and startups in the water, electricity and renewable energy industry, which will lead to good results if properly managed. strategic.
The CEO of Satkab's parent company further mentioned the "investment guarantee" and the "removal of barriers" among the cases which, if resolved, will see the widespread presence of Iranian companies and the implementation of projects in Syria.
Abbas Akbari, "headquarters secretary for the development of Iranian-Syrian economic relations", also expressed his hope for the development of Iranian-Syrian cooperation, emphasizing the use of the capacity and power of the private sector.
It is worth mentioning; It was also decided to hold meetings with the board members of the "Electricity Syndicate" and the "Water Federation" to discuss ways to develop cooperation between the two countries to assess the serious presence of Iranian companies in Syria after consulting the Syrian special staff.

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