Opening of a new transit corridor from China to Turkey via Iran.
Deputy Minister of Roads and Urban Planning: The China-Tajikistan-Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan-Turkey Combined Transport Corridor was inaugurated in Tajikistan in the presence of officials from these countries.

Regarding the details of the trip to Tajikistan and the negotiations with the officials of this country, Shahriar Effendizadeh said: "This meeting is held at the invitation of Azim Ibrahim, the Minister of Transport of Tajikistan, the Minister of Roads and Development urban, which is the representative of the Minister of Roads and Urbanism in the opening of a transit corridor We are new.
He continued: The China-Tajikistan-Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan-Turkey Combined Transport Corridor was inaugurated in Tajikistan in the presence of officials from these countries.
Referring to his visit to the city of Kolab, the Deputy Minister of Transport of the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development said: Kolab is a free zone of Tajikistan, and according to the policies of this country, Kolab will become the industrial center and of transit. of this country, and the transit train of this new corridor from Kolab to He headed for Iran.
Efendizadeh added: In addition, the Tajik Logistics Conference will be held today and bilateral meetings have been held with the Minister of Transport of Tajikistan, focusing on expanding cooperation in the sectors of transit and transport of two countries, and plans have been developed to achieve the goals. at the 6-party meeting on transit held last week in Tehran. We presented that one of the objectives pursued during this two-day meeting in Tehran was to carry out the transit of 20 million tons between Iran and Central Asia, and it was decided to prepare an action plan common.
The Deputy Minister of Transport for Road and Urban Development also announced his intention to sign a new transit agreement with Uzbekistan and said: According to this agreement, the two countries are supposed to have joint service on the northern route -south and the east-west corridor. .

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