Planning to drill 35 new wells in the South Pars gas field.
Deputy Head of Operations and Operations Engineering Unit of Pars Oil and Gas Company: Drilling of 35 in-field wells in the common South Pars field will begin shortly with the aim of increasing productivity and maintaining gas production.

On Thursday, November 19, the Deputy Chief of the Reservoir Operations Engineering Unit of Pars Oil and Gas Company explained the company's operations and said, "Pars Oil and Gas Company is focused on maintaining the production from the South Pars gas field, the development of other gas fields such as the Kish, North Pars, Bilal, Golshan and Ferdowsi, Farzad A and B fields, as well as the South Pars oil fields.
Exploitation of the first phase of the development of the Kish gas field next year
He highlighted the development of the Kish gas field and added: this field is located in the underground part of Kish Island and in the waters of the Persian Gulf, with a minimum in situ storage of 56,000 billion cubic feet of gas, which is considered one of the great gas fields.
The Deputy Chief of the Reservoir Operations and Engineering Unit of Pars Oil and Gas Company said that the development of this field began in 2007 and continues in three phases, he said. said: According to plans, the first phase of the development of this field with 14 wells with a production capacity of 28.3 million cubic meters of gas per day will be completed next year and the initial production of the field will be realized.
Carrying out engineering studies in the area of ​​North Pars
Naboi also informed about carrying out engineering studies in the North Pars gas field and said: This field is located in the Persian Gulf and south of Bushehr province with a reserve of 55 trillion cubic feet.
He highlighted the latest steps taken in the development of the Bilal gas field and added: Currently, a descriptive well is being drilled at the offshore location of this field, and it is expected that by drilling 8 wells in the future (including the current drilled well), gas production from this field will reach 14.1 million cubic meters per day.
The Deputy Head of the Pars Oil and Gas Company's Reservoir Operations and Engineering Unit indicated that the development of the South Pars oil fields is one of the main priorities of the National Iranian Oil Company. and added, “The South Pars oil reservoir is much more extensive on the Qatari side, with this Now, in the Iranian sector, the contract for the development of oil layers in the form of IPC has been signed and is being followed.
Cumulative extraction of 75.5 trillion cubic feet of gas from South Pars
Nabavi said that the main mission of this company is the development and production of the joint South Pars gas field and said: The amount of gas in this field on the Iranian side is estimated at 410 trillion cubic feet, which is 20 years since the beginning of gas production from this field until today. 75.5 trillion cubic feet of gas have been harvested.
According to him, the initial pressure of the South Pars gas reservoir in the Kangan and Dalan layers, which is located at a depth of 3,000 meters underground in the Persian Gulf, decreased from about 5,200 PSI to 3,500 PSI during the over the 20 years of operation. of this field.
Drilling and completion of 341 gas wells in the South Pars field
Deputy Head of Pars Oil and Gas Company Reservoir Operations and Engineering Unit announced the number of wells drilled and completed in this field out of a total of 38 operating rigs, 341 rings .
Nabavi said the daily gas production capacity of this field is approximately 700 million cubic meters of gas and said: With the completion and operation of the 11th phase of South Pars, the extraction capacity daily gas output from this field will increase to 730 million cubic meters. .
He said that the most important method to maintain gas production from the South Pars field is the installation of booster compressors and continued: National Iranian Oil Company is considering this issue by giving priority to this issue in the years to come. come by installing booster compressors and exploiting other sources of gas to avoid the drop in gas production that the country needs.
Pars Oil and Gas Company's Deputy Head of Reservoir Operations and Engineering Department also briefed on obtaining permit and planning to drill 35 wells in the field in the platforms to increase the efficiency of the South Pars gas field and said: the implementation of this project will soon begin, which takes two to three years.
Nabawi considered extensive acidification and additional meshing in wells as other effective measures to increase the productivity of gas production from wells and clarified: these measures, which have been initiated for the past few yearsand are applied until today, increase the productivity of wells. to increase significantly. 

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