Chabahar-India regular shipping line has been activated / preparing to launch Chabahar-Oman passenger line.
Walfajr Shipping Company Spokesperson: He informed about the activation of the regular shipping line from Chabahar to Indian port and said: 15 cruises have been made from Chabahar to Indian ports in the last three months.

Abbas Kabousi said: In the last three months, 15 cruises were made from Chabahar port to Indian ports and vice versa.
In addition, traffic from the port of Chabahar to countries in the Far East, including India, is growing.
He added: The first vessel with a total container capacity of 550 TEUs arrived in Chabahar from Indian ports in the past few weeks and its cargo has been completely discharged.
Walfajr Shipping Company has established a regular and direct shipping line to Indian ports, which is ready to transport cargo between these ports and Chabahar Port.
According to the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Report, Kaboosi pointed out: Valfajr Shipping Company has also reduced the shipping time on the route from southern Persian Gulf ports to Chabahar by reducing freight rates and improving hours.
Referring to this company's activity in the passenger transport sector, he also announced: With the removal of corona restrictions during this year, passenger lines from Bandar Abbas to Sharjah, Bandar Lange to Dubai and Khorramshahr in Kuwait have had their normal operations and due to the increase in airfare fares on the mentioned routes, the acceptance of passengers to travel with Walfajr passenger ships has increased.
Kabusi added: Based on this, Valfajr Shipping has transported almost 70,000 passengers in the mentioned lines in the 9 months of this year and in the mentioned period, increasing the quality of services, including the implementation of corona health protocols, as well as improved passenger hospitality is on the agenda.
Preparation for the launch of the Chabahar-Oman passenger line
Kaboosi stressed: In case of subsidized fuel, Walfajr Shipping is ready to launch and establish the Chabahar-Oman passenger line as soon as possible.
Walfajr Company spokesperson said: In the offshore sector, Walfajr Shipping has grown its business by having the youngest and largest fleet under the Iranian flag. This is despite the fact that 11 offshore vessels belonging to this shipping company have operated entirely under the Iranian flag, which are sometimes unique in their kind as nationally flagged vessels.
He added, "Walfajr Shipping maintains close cooperation with the country's oil sector in the offshore sector."
Offshore vessels of Valfajr Shipping have the fewest breakdowns among similar companies cooperating with the country's oilfield, while all repairs of these vessels are carried out at the Persia Hormuz ship repair yard belonging to the Islamic Republic of Maritime Group. Iran.

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